Family Self-Sufficiency

Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)

The Public Housing Family Self Sufficiency Program (PH-FSS) is promoted by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is designed to help families living in public housing developments create plans to move toward independence and reduce or eliminate their needs for public assistance.  Created in 1990 through the National Affordable Housing Act, FSS has helped thousands of families across the country.

The program, which can take up to 5 years to complete, offers families the chance to control their own success by planning work and life goals of their choosing, becoming networked to services for the whole family and giving valuable input into the program itself through participation on an FSS committee.  It also allows them to create savings that will become theirs when they complete the program.

Once selected, the head of family completes an individual plan (ITSP) and signs a Contract of Participation.  Progress is supported and monitored by confidential case management services.

Eligibility and Selection:

If you are a resident at Housing Authority of Danville (HAD), you may be eligible for the FSS program. Contact Gwendalyn Campbell at (859) 324-5720 to find out more.  Residents will be given many chances to show interest before the program begins. Information will be given through the newsletter, flyers, meetings and mailings to keep residents aware of FSS sign up requirements.

Please note: Residents who are not current with their rent or other payments to HAD will not be selected.

To learn more about HAD’s Family Self Sufficiency program or to apply, contact Gwendalyn Campbell at (859) 324-5720.



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Danville Housing Authority © 2025 All rights reserved.

Established in 1950, The Housing Authority of Danville is a federally assisted public housing community regulated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

1014 Rosemont Avenue
Danville, Kentucky

Monday - Friday
7:30AM - 5:00PM